Package: ggrrr

Robert Challen

ggrrr: Addressing Annoyances and Irritations

Visualisation hacks, tabular data helpers, fonts, caching, tidy data functions. It is an swiss army knife, jack of all trades.

Authors:Robert Challen [aut, cre]

ggrrr.pdf |ggrrr.html
ggrrr/json (API)

# Install 'ggrrr' in R:
install.packages('ggrrr', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:


3.00 score 1 stars 10 scripts 87 exports 141 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:389aaaf723 (on Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 11 2024
R-4.5-winOKOct 11 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKOct 11 2024
R-4.4-winOKOct 11 2024
R-4.4-macOKOct 11 2024
R-4.3-winOKOct 11 2024
R-4.3-macOKOct 11 2024



Structured lists

Rendered fromstruct-lists.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 11 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-13
Started: 2024-06-12

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Pick a locally installed font family that matches requested.substitute_fonts
Checked list accessor$.checked_list
Reuse tidy-select syntax outside of a tidy-select functionas_vars
Convert a rendered_plot object to a characteras.character.rendered_plot
Convert a rendered_table object to a characteras.character.rendered_table
Convert a table to long formatas.long_format_table
Cast to a list of structuresas.struct_list
Bind rows for colums with factorsbind_rows_with_factors
A scales breaks generator for log1p scalesbreaks_log1p
Clear data from the passthrough cache for complex or long running operationscache_clear
Delete stale files in a cachecache_delete_stale
Download a file into a local cache.cache_download
A simple pass-through cache for complex or long running operationscached
Ensures a font is available.check_font
Display a code snippetcode_snip
Display a code snippetcode_snip_by_line
Make sure packages available on CRAN are installedcran
Places a set of dates withing a regular time seriescut_date
Cut and label an integer valued quantitycut_integer
Places a set of dates withing a regular time seriescut_time
Create a function list that allows for supplementary tables (as huxtables) to be added to a XLSX output file.data_supplement
Convert a set of dates to numeric timepointsdate_to_time
Internal function for drawing watermark on ggplotsdrawDetails.watermark
Estimate column content widthsfit_col_widths
Which fonts are available on this system without hitting webfonts.fonts_available
Expand a data vector to the full rangefull_seq_dates
Generate a full regular timepoint sequencefull_seq_times
Get a value set list of a dataframeget_value_sets
Find webfonts for a ggplotgg_find_webfonts
Display a long format table as a ggplot object.gg_formatted_table
Hide the legend of a plotgg_hide_legend
Hide the x axis of a plotgg_hide_X_axis
Hide the y axis of a plotgg_hide_Y_axis
Convert a label size from points to ggplot unitsgg_label_size
Make a plot narrowergg_narrow
An opinionated set of defaults for plotsgg_pedantic
Make the legend smallergg_resize_legend
Save a plot to multiple formatsgg_save_as
Set sizes in ggplot uniformlygg_set_size_defaults
Set the angle of the x axis labels of a plotgg_set_X_angle
A simple table as a ggplot patchwork object, no customisation allowedgg_simple_table
A space saving ggplot themegg_tiny_theme
Add in a watermark to plotsgg_watermark
Drop in replacement for `here` (`here` pkg)here
Convert html to pdf depending on what is available on the platformhtml_pdf_converter
Calculate a sensible column and table width for a huxtable based on its content.hux_auto_widths
Bind rows for huxtableshux_bind_rows
A tidy article theme for huxtableshux_default_layout
Insert row at start maintaining formathux_insert_start
Make a huxtable narrowerhux_nest_group
Save a table to a variety of formatshux_save_as
Set a huxtable caption as a first rowhux_set_caption
Set the font family and size in a huxtable globallyhux_set_font
Add a footer row as a final row in a huxtablehux_set_footer
A sprintf alternative that handles NA values gracefully (ish)hux_sprintf
Convert a dataframe to a huxtable with nested rows and columns.hux_tidy
Convert a huxtable to a ggplot objecthux_to_ggplot
Create a dataframe with groups mathing a range of predicatesintersecting_group_by
Knit a rendered_plot objectknit_print.rendered_plot
Knit a rendered_table objectknit_print.rendered_table
Knit to a versioned file in a sub-directory of the projectknit_versioned
logit scalelogit_trans
Apply a function to each element of a vectormap_struct
Map over two inputsmap2_struct
Make sure github packages are installed.non_cran
Get an optional function without triggering a CRAN warningoptional_fn
Generate a versioned file name in a subdirectory.outputter
percentage scalepercent_trans
Map over multiple input simultaneously (in "parallel")pmap_struct
Mixture of normal distribution PDFspmixnorm
Print a rendered_plot objectprint.rendered_plot
Print a rendered_table objectprint.rendered_table
Mixture of normal distribution quantilesqmixnorm
Rebuild font cachesrebuild_fonts
Reset any custom fontsreset_fonts
Create new data in a strictly row-wise fashion without vectorisationrowwise_mutate
A discrete colour scale for dividing where there is a natural ordered subgrouping into groups and subgroupsscale_colour_subtype
Discrete fill or colour scale where there is a natural ordered subgroupingscale_fill_subtype
A log1p x scalescale_x_log1p
A logit x scalescale_x_logit
A percentage x scalescale_x_percent
A log1p y scalescale_y_log1p
A logit y scalescale_y_logit
A percentage y scalescale_y_percent
Sprintf with a list inputsprintf_list
Standard image and paper sizesstd_size
Ensure `struct_list` is a flat list of `structs`struct_flatten
Manipulate structured lists$.struct_list c.struct_list rep.struct_list subset-struct-list [.struct_list [<-.struct_list [[.struct_list [[<-.struct_list
Summarise a subgroup and create a summary rowsummarise_with_totals
Convert a set of timepoints to datestime_to_date
Get unstable version of packageunstable